E-mail from Grwp Blaengwen Chair


We've attached a brief from a Britsh Medical Journal paper[i] which came out shortly after the Commitee's meeting in Carmarthen. We believe it  fully endorses the committee's decision to refer the matter to the Assembly Health department. We would like to see a Welsh research project on the matter.  We have also attached a copy of the World Health Organisation Guidelines[ii] for Europe, which we would be grateful for you to forward to the Minister and Committee Members, Both expose the shortcomings of the ETSU methodology in protecting health.

We have written in our responses to two current wind turbine applications that local people in Gwyddgrug and those who know what happens here have no reasom to have confidence in planning conditions based on ETSU -R-97. There's plenty more to be said about that but two points are, that the World Health Organisation's guidelines are quite clear that the ETSU limits are too high. And Mr Griffriths must agree that people should be able to have confidence in planning conditions... that they will be protected, and that local authorities have the resources  they need, legal, human and financial, to fulfil their duties of care.

The fact remains that  the previous Minister Jane Davidson wrote at the end of 2009 to Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM saying that there would be a review of TAN 8, and that his constiiuents would have opporetunties to comment, according to Assembly policy and practice.  A copy of that letter was given to two members of the Environment Committee - William Powell and Russel George.

I'd be grateful if this information is placed before the committee


[i] The British Medical Journal paper is included in the public papers pack

[ii] The World Health Organization guidelines can be found here: http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/43316/E92845.pdf